
Rod masters art of bonsai

When he’s not tending Council parks and gardens, Rod Lovett is nurturing his award-winning bonsai collection.

Powerlink testing older transmission towers for asbestos

Powerlink has begun contacting landholders with older transmission towers on their properties to advise that testing for asbestos may be undertaken.

Safer trip to school for region's students

The trip to and from school is now safer for students at seven of the region’s schools following the completion of a range of improvements.

Entries open for Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards

A great app, gaming concept, robotics or even a smarter smart phone- if you have an innovative idea for new technology, this competition is for you!

Queensland Governor completes Bundaberg Region visit

The Governor of Queensland, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, has completed a series of official engagements in the Bundaberg Region.

Tree planting effort blooms

More than 6000 trees are being planted throughout the Bundaberg Region to protect the environment and provide shade in parks and natural areas.

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