If you need motivation to dust off those old runners or pull the bike out from under the cobwebs in the shed, have no fear – the Move It Expo is almost here!
Sport, health and fitness will be the feature of the day when the seventh annual Move It Expo kicks off at the Bundaberg Multiplex this weekend.
The facility is set to become a hive of activity with over 70 sporting clubs and health and fitness providers showcasing all that’s on offer in the region.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s Sport and Recreation portfolio spokesperson Cr Helen Blackburn said there would be plenty of information accessible for adults and children alike.
“This expo is a fantastic opportunity to see what type of organisations are out there to help keep you active,” Cr Blackburn said.
“It’s a well-known fact that physical activity releases endorphins that make you happy and what better way to start the year off in a positive way!”
Cr Blackburn said whether you wanted to join a sporting team or just needed to get your health and fitness in check, the Move It Expo would have all of the information you need.
“With over 5000 people and local businesses joining the expo since its inception in 2013, and with an ever-growing number of stallholders showcasing their services, there is bound to be something for anyone interested in becoming more active and improving their health,” Cr Blackburn said.
“Not only will there be a range of sporting and health organisations to speak to, there will be activities featured on the day and an opportunity to win in a share of Rebel Sport gift vouchers with the total prize pool valued at $1000.
“So make sure you move it to the Bundaberg Multiplex this weekend and join us for a great day out.”
The details:
The Move It Expo will be held on Sunday 3 February from 10 am to 1 pm at the Bundaberg Multiplex, 1 Civic Avenue.