Mayor’s petition for new hospital passes 1000 signatures


A petition launched by Mayor Jack Dempsey, calling for a new level 5 hospital in Bundaberg, so far has more than 1000 signatures.

The petition requests that the Queensland Parliament prioritise funding to build a new hospital.

Petition to build a new hospital in Bundaberg

Before the 2017 state election the Government promised to undertake a business case, which is under way.

“There’s no doubt a NEW level 5 hospital is needed to improve health outcomes, reduce travel times and attract a highly qualified medical workforce to the Bundaberg Region,” Mayor Dempsey said.

“Council has an advocacy role on behalf of the whole community and will continue to pursue this.”

Mayor Dempsey said the Government should build a new hospital, instead of refurbishing the current facility.

“Medical staff and patients deserve the best-possible conditions in a modern-state-of-the-art hospital,” he said.

“After a suitable site is selected I will also be asking the Federal Government to contribute towards this vitally important project.”

The Mayor said a new hospital had been raised in discussions with the federal and state governments regarding a Regional Deal for the Hinkler electorate.

The petition can be signed online. For hard copies call the Mayor’s office on 07 4130 4264.

This morning there were 1102 signatures.


To: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House that residents of the Bundaberg Region need a new Level 5 hospital to improve the provision of medical care in their local community.

The benefits of a new Level 5 hospital include:

  1. Improved health outcomes through treatment closer to where people live;
  2. Reduced travel costs for patients, families and governments;
  3. Less hardship and stress for people who currently have to travel to Brisbane;
  4. Employment of skilled medical professionals in the Bundaberg Region which will attract new residents, help to retain existing professionals and deliver local economic benefits;
  5. Develop medical training capability;
  6. Invigorate construction activity, boost employment and attract other investment.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to prioritise funding to build a new Level 5 hospital in Bundaberg.


  1. I volunteer at the Base Hospital directing patients to their appointments. I listen every week to the stories of patients who travel to Brisbane for treatment. Some even give up their treatment because it’s too hard. A new hospital is woefully overdue.

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