Citizen scientists needed for ocean protection work

citizen scientist, Great Barrier Reef, Lady Musgrave Experience
Students from St Luke’s Anglican School and Shalom collecting citizen science data at Lady Musgrave Reef.
Photo: Tracy Olive

If you’re a citizen scientist with a passion for marine life and want to help our ocean ecosystem, Lady Musgrave Experience needs your help.

Thanks to a Community Reef Protection grant, the team will be working with the Gidarjil Development Corporation, Bundaberg Regional Council, GBRMPA and CoralWatch to offer training in the Bundaberg community to learn more about exciting underwater critters and important reef health indicators.

According to Lady Musgrave Experience’s Natalie Lobartolo, passionate ocean lovers are needed to participate in citizen scientist training and contribute to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park management.

“This will ensure the reef will be around for many generations to come,” she said.

“Whether you’re a student, teacher, school, mum, dad, teenager, retiree, none or all of the above, we’d love to have you as part of our community of reef guardians for generations.”

Kalkie State School citizen science activities, with students learning about the reef. Photo: Judith Stutchbury

How to become a citizen scientist

Natalie said becoming a citizen scientist would incorporate all sorts of expert training for schools, school teachers, traditional owners and the wider community.

“These training sessions will see the community learning not only about the natural wonders and wildlife, but also about the threats to the reef and how they can get involved to reduce them,” she said.

“The main goal of the project is to create a community of citizen scientists who are connected, aware and involved with the conservation and future of the Great Barrier Reef in our backyard and beyond, becoming stewards for its protection.”

If you’d like to participate, or know someone who would, contact the team directly at

Stay updated on ocean work

To stay updated on the local reef community citizen science activities and news, make sure to like the Dive for Change Australia page on Facebook.

Dive for Change Australia aims to provide opportunities for people — both adults and children — to discover and learn about their natural world, and experience moments where they connect, fall in love with, and feel inspired to protect the beautiful natural world around them.

The Reef Guardians for Generations project is funded by the partnership between the @envirogov Australian Government’s #ReefTrust and the @greatbarrierreeffoundation.