If you are looking for the perfect pup to join your family, Arby the dog is lovable and stable with a sensible approach to life.
He likes to snuffle about and investigate his space, then race up to check in and have a hug, before heading off to explore again.
If you’re looking for a dog with a grownup approach to life, he’s your man.
Breed: Medium Male cross
Age: 3 years old
If you think you would be a great match for Arby then contact the team at Red Collar Rescue.
Contact 0438 869 085, email info@redcollarrescue.org or visit the website.
Find out what other pets are for adoption here.
Red Collar Rescue, are a small rescue shelter at Biggenden that takes in death row dogs from various locations throughout the region.
The team microchip, vaccinate, desex and heart-worm test all dogs and are always looking our for forever homes.