A time capsule buried in 1975 will be dug up as part of the Yandaran State School centenary celebrations next Saturday, 5 October 2019.
Organiser Linda Steemson said it was just one of many activities that will bring back fond memories for those who once attended the school.
“The opening of the school’s time capsule will be very interesting,” she said.
“Originally buried in 1975, the capsule was raised and added to in 2000 before being buried again.”
Linda said her own family were excited to see the capsule opening, having had a long history with the school.
Linda attended with her siblings when she was a little girl and then her own children attended from 1993 onwards.
“My husband’s father, Maxwell Steemson, and my father Colin Hartfiel also attended, making my children the third generation,” she said.

Linda said the time capsule would be added to and returned to a monument in front of the school at the centenary event.
“There’s lots of stuff in the capsule… newspaper clippings, money, drawings, stories from the school children and more,” she said.
Yandaran State School centenary details
The Yandaran State School Centenary will be held at the school on Saturday, 5 October from 10am with hundreds of people expected to attend.
“There have been lots of people showing interest,” Linda said.
“We will have market stalls, children’s rides and slides, old fashioned games, memorabilia displays, a bar, music, barbecue with food and drinks available all day and into the night.
“A centenary booklet has also been compiled and will be for sale as well as lots of other keepsakes.”
Find out more about the Yandaran State School Centenary here.
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