Master pastelist Joan Macnaught is using her skills as an artist to take people on a journey back in time, with artwork depicting her life on a farm near Childers many years ago.
Her exhibition titled “Recollections Of My Childhood” will be showcased at the Gin Gin Courthouse Gallery soon and will feature a series of 23 paintings of memories from before her primary school years.
Joan said the exhibition would give an insight into life when it was very different to the modern, fast-paced world of today.
“Through this exhibition my main aim is to convey the childhood which I experienced during an era when the world we lived in had little communication, experienced war and recovery, had strong family relianc and required resourcefulness,” she said.
Joan said during those days the roads were rough and unsealed, and because it was wartime, petrol was rationed.
“There was no electricity, telephones, or other communication, although radio told of events in the outside world,” she said.
“There was no reticulated water or sewerage and life was largely isolated from the rest of the world.”
Joan said her childhood was mostly spent on her family farm where a love for drawing and painting came to life.
“Our isolated farm life gave time to dream and draw, and all I needed was a pencil and pad to keep me busy,” she said.
“Mother taught me by correspondence lessons till I was eight years when I was considered old enough to ride the three miles to the Apple Tree Creek State school with my older sister.
“Later I attended the Childers State School before I went to boarding school and Kindergarten Teacher’s College at Kelvin Grove.”
Joan Macnaught has passion for pastel

Joan said her love for pastel art had been something that happened quite suddenly.
“The immediacy of pastel had an instant attraction for me and I find it a very forgiving medium, though I love watercolour break now and then,” she said.
“In 1998 I was awarded a Pastel society of America Scholarship to New York for six weeks of classes and this was tremendously exciting and cemented my love of pastel, though pen and ink is a favourite for sketching while travelling.”
For those looking to start a passion with pastels, Joan said patience was key in creating a beautiful piece of art.
“As beginners we get fairly precious about a piece of paper, and persistence is the name of the game I have found,” she said.
“Enjoying the process of creating gives a wonderful space from the demands of everyday life and remains a joy for me as the years advance.”
The official opening of the exhibition Recollections Of My Childhood will be held on Saturday, 2 November at 2pm at the Gin Gin Courthouse Gallery, 80a Mulgrave Street.
It will be available for viewing until Wednesday, December 4.
For more information, contact the gallery on 4157 2154.