Financial assistance and support services are now available to residents of Woodgate who have been directly affected by bushfires over recent days.
Communities Minister Coralee O’Rourke said Woodgate, including Kinkuna Estate and Walkers Point, was one of several communities that had felt the wrath of bushfires this week.
“There are people in Woodgate who were forced to evacuate from their homes and are experiencing hardship after having to cover the unexpected costs of accommodation, food, medication and clothes,” Mrs O’Rourke said.
“That’s why we have activated additional emotional and psychological support services and are providing Emergency Hardship Assistance grants in the worst-affected areas, which now includes Woodgate.
“Grants of up to $180 per person, to a maximum of $900 for a family of five or more, are now available to eligible people experiencing genuine financial hardship as a result of the impact of the bushfires.”
A pop-up Community Recovery Hub will open from Sunday, 17 November at the Woodgate Community Hall, 1 Kangaroo Court, Woodgate Beach between 9am and 5pm daily to offer information and support, including grant applications.
Watch and act warning issued for Sharon residents
At 11.25am Queensland Fire and Emergency Services advises there is a bushfire in Sharon and conditions could get worse.
“Currently as at 11.25am Sunday 17 November, a fire is burning in the vicinity of Ten Mile Road, Manoo Road, Raines Road and Heales Road, Sharon,” QFES said.
“You need to be ready to follow your bushfire survival plan. If you do not have a plan, or intend to leave, you should be ready to leave the area because the situation could get worse quickly.
“Fire crews and waterbombing aircraft are working to contain the fire but firefighters may not be able to protect every property. You should not expect a firefighter at your door.
“People in the area will be affected by smoke, which will reduce visibility and air quality.”
The fire at Woodgate is now burning within containment lines with QFES issuing the latest advice level warning at 11.35pm on Saturday.
“Currently as at 11.35pm Saturday 16 November, a bushfire is burning within containment lines near Woodgate Road, Woppis Road and Walkers Point Road, Woodgate,” QFES said.
“Walkers Point Road and Jarretts Road are now open under Queensland Police Service (QPS) control to residents, and Woodgate Road remains open in both directions.
“Heidkes Road is closed between Jarretts Road and Walkers Point Road.”
Assistance and support offered as bushfires impact communities
Mrs O’Rourke said parts of the state were continuing to face a traumatic and stressful time as bushfires impact their communities, homes and businesses.
“A range of support services are available across bushfire-impacted communities to help Queenslanders recover from the trauma and distress of this unfolding disaster,” she said.
“This includes psychological first aid and emotional support which is being provided by the Australian Red Cross and UnitingCare Queensland (UCQ).
“Anyone who needs emotional support can phone Lifeline on 13 11 14, with the service available 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
“Alternatively, residents can ring the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 to apply for grants over the phone or to seek advice on how to access other support services.”
Grant applications can also be completed through the Community Recovery online portal at www.communityrecovery.qld.gov.au or via the Self Recovery app.
The grants have been made available through jointly-funded Commonwealth/State-Disaster Relief Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
– Earlier report: Bushfire update: QFES reopens Woodgate Road