Marine organisms are on the move in Queensland and scientists are hoping to track them with your help using the Redmap website and app.
Redmap is a website and smartphone app that invites you to share sightings of marine critters that you think aren’t usually found along your marine coastline.
Over time, Redmap will use “citizen science” data and photos to sketch a map of where Australian fishes and marine species may be extending their distribution (aka moving house) in response to changes in the marine environment, such as warming seas, habitat loss, and introduced species.
Collect your own data
Redmap allows Australians to collect their own marine data, share photos and stories of unusual sightings, easily view the results from other citizen scientists, and see what conclusions Redmap are making with those findings.
Changes to where marine organisms are living will have unpredictable effects on marine ecosystems and fisheries.
We are not sure why some species are on the move while others remain within their historic ranges.
Scientists and coastal communities work together
By working together, scientists and coastal communities can begin to understand why marine organisms are moving house and predict the effects that the shifts of these functional groups might have.
Redmap is science by the people, for the people.
Collecting the data for such a huge project along the entire Queensland coast can only be done with your help!
Please send in photos of any sightings of “out of the ordinary” marine organisms to the website or download our smartphone app and join the ranks of Australia’s citizen scientists!
We look forward to working together to better understand our changing oceans.
Happy fishing, diving and beachcombing!
Blake Spady, PhD
Queensland Redmap Project
College of Science and Engineering James Cook University
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