Bundaberg Region classrooms were bustling with chatter and learning again today as students were allowed back to school for the first time since 20 April.
The social-distancing Coronavorus restrictions were lifted for grades 2 to 10, after preschool, Year 1 and senior students were transitioned back into the school grounds two weeks ago.
Norville State School principal Chris Munro said it had been an exciting day for everyone.
“Our teachers have been eager to get their students back to continue on with their learning,” Mr Munro said.
“The students were very excited as they walked back into the school gates this morning.
“They have settled back in really well.”
Mr Munro said Norville was doing everything it could to make the transition smooth, with processes in place to ensure students were kept safe, healthy and happy.
“Students are being met at the gates in the morning, walked to a safe area to sit with their classmates to wait for their teachers and then taken to class and then at the end of the day, the students are walked to the gate to meet their parents,” he said.
“We will continue to increase cleaning across the school throughout the day as well as implementing an increase in hand washing before and after eating.
“We are having virtual assemblies where our school leaders present and talk about the focus of the week, positive rewards and class of the week will be announced.”
Mr Munro said while the Coronavirus restrictions had been unprecedented and a challenging time for parents, teachers and children alike, everyone was excited to see things starting to get back on track.
“Teachers have missed their students. They have missed the daily interactions that they have with their students, seeing the positive way they are interacting with each other,” he said.
“The students have missed their friends, the social aspects of school as well as seeing their teachers and being in routine.”
“We are continually looking at ways that our students can receive the same message, play the same games and interact with their friends and classmates so that the transition is as smooth as possible for our students.”
- Other news: Teachers’ Green Day ditty gets toes tapping