Gin Gin residents experiencing isolation from their favourite community groups are delighted with the news that many local groups are gradually re-forming and are currently meeting or plan to meet.
According to Council’s Community Services spokesperson Cr Tracey McPhee, Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre continues to play a key coordination role in promoting local community activities in line with COVID-19 restrictions.
“The Knit and Natter Craft Group has resumed activities at the Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre and it’s a friendship-based group open to anyone.
“The group meets every Monday from 9am until 11.30 am and tea and coffee is supplied,” Cr McPhee said.
“Participants can bring their own projects along and enjoy great company and benefit from the advice offered by other participants.”
Cr McPhee said she was delighted to see that Tai Chi for Seniors and Gin Gin Families Playgroup will resume later this month.
“Tai Chi for Seniors is an enjoyable social activity as well as being a very healthy pursuit to aid mind and body. Classes will resume on Monday, July 13 at the Youth Activity Centre from 9.30am until 11.30am.
“Classes are free, and participants will join with instructors Kevin and Charles to enjoy this ancient Chinese form of gentle exercise.”
“If you are interested in coming along please call 41304630 to book your spot and remember that it’s important to wear comfortable clothing,” Cr McPhee said.

“I’m certain the news that Gin Gin Families Playgroup will again be up and running again will be welcomed by many families. The current pandemic has really impacted families and their ability to interact with each other.
“The reopening, commencing Wednesday 22 July will ensure that children can once again enjoy the company of their playmates, which is an integral part of their social development,” Cr McPhee said.
“This activity offers learning through play for the 0-5 years age group and is held at the Youth Activity Centre every fortnight for two hours commencing at 9.30am. The morning is free, but participants are asked to bring along their own morning tea.”
Cr McPhee said that during the COVID-19 restrictions booking are required and can be made through the Neighbourhood Centre by contacting 4130 4630.
Additional activities are available for families through Play2Learn held at Dear Street Park on alternate Wednesdays to Families Playgroup. Contact Bonnie on 0429 892 225 for more details.
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