Moore Park Beach residents are invited to an information evening to help shape the future development of Moore Park Beach’s community, sport and recreation facilities as part of a new Community Hub.
The Information Evening, hosted by the Moore Park Beach Community Association, will be held on Tuesday, 8 September.
Divisional representative Cr Jason Bartels said he was hoping for a good turnout.
“Council and local consultants Insite SJC want to hear your thoughts about how Moore Park Beach develops a Community Hub at the south-eastern end of Moore Park Beach,” Cr Bartels said.
“We would like your input to help us in developing the draft master plan for this potential development.
“Come along and tell us what you love about Moore Park Beach and what community and recreational facilities you’d like to see.”
Local town planning, surveying and project management company Insite SJC has been appointed to create the master plan.
Partner David Newby said the project team was looking forward to working with the community.
“Being local we know what a great place Moore Park Beach is,” David said.
“We’re excited to be involved with the creation of this Community Hub master plan to give residents and visitors top class community, sport and recreation facilities and we look forward to hearing residents’ ideas.”
The Information Evening will be held at 7pm on Tuesday, 8 September at the Moore Park Beach Community Centre.
Moore Park Beach Community Association president Shanelle Pekin urged residents to attend.
“We’re hoping lots of residents will come along and be part of the process to help form the future of Moore Park Beach,” Shanelle said.
“We will be holding the meeting within COVID-safe guidelines and ask people get there early so we can safely check everyone in and seat them ready to start at 7pm.”
- Other news: Moore Park Beach history book launched
How can we access an online link to the Master Plan for MPB? We weren’t able to attend last night’s meeting but would like to contribute.
Ditto Jahna’s comment. I would too like to access the online link as couldn’t attend last night. Thank you