There’s been a surge in people getting tested for COVID-19, with 570 people attending the Bundaberg fever clinic between 8-11 January.
This follows confirmation that a Brisbane hotel cleaner tested positive to the virulent UK strain.
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service (WBHHS) reports that up to 7am on 12 January some 40,305 COVID-19 tests had been recorded in the Wide Bay region since the pandemic began.
This data includes both public and private testing clinics.
It comes as new restrictions are now in place.
People in Greater Brisbane, as well as those who have been in Greater Brisbane since 2 January 2021, must carry a face mask at all times when they leave home and wear a mask in indoor spaces, except at home.
It’s now mandatory to wear a mask inside the Bundaberg Airport terminal and on flights.
WBHHS thanks people for their understanding, cooperation and patience as they waited for testing at clinics, for respecting visitor rules at local hospitals, and for wearing masks outside if required to under the current restrictions.
WBHHS also thanked local councils and police for helping with traffic management when fever clinic demand was highest.
“Finally, a huge thanks to our awesome staff, whether at our fever clinics or in our hospitals,” WBHHS said.
“Many of them had to mobilise on short notice to meet the significantly increased demand and they had to adjust to new temporary procedures to ensure we could help keep our community safe.”
The Bundaberg fever clinic is located at the Recreation Precinct (AgroTrend Grounds), entry via Kendalls Road, Branyan, and is open from 7.30am to 5.30pm.
For the latest information on COVID-19 in Queensland, visit here.