HomeCouncilBudgetKendall Flat redesign earmarked in budget plans

Kendall Flat redesign earmarked in budget plans

Cr Vince Habermann at Kendall Flat.

The design of stage one and two of the Kendall Flat Enhancement Plan is set to kick off, transforming the grounds into a hub for cricket and AFL. 

Sport and Recreation portfolio spokesperson Cr Vince Habermann said Bundaberg Regional Council had allocated the funds for the design work in its 2021-22 budget. 

“The work proposes for two of the ovals to be capable of supporting both sporting codes as well as potential lighting for one of these ovals,” he said. 

“There will also be junior fields for cricket, a new pavilion housing changerooms and a kiosk as well as associated internal roads, parking drainage and more.  

“This budget is for the design only but it’s a very exciting step for this project which has already received support from AFL Queensland and Queensland Cricket.  

“It will also ensure the project is ready for future applications for State or Federal funding.”  

Kendall Flat from above. The area is pegged for a redesign as part of the 2021-22 budget.

Cr Habermann said the state sporting organisations would also provide funding towards the design. 

He said the exciting design would unveil the potential of the large and currently under-utilised sporting ground. 

“Kendall Flat plays a vital role in providing participation opportunities for the Bundaberg community, with a current focus on junior cricket,” he said. 

“While use of the site for junior cricket competition is consistent, the potential to create a true sporting hub and increase participation across both codes will strengthen community engagement and maximise the use of the facility overall.” 

Sporting fields to get a revamp 

Cr Habermann said other sporting fields in the region had also been provided funding in the budget, including Salter Oval and the Bundaberg Athletics Facility.  

“Salter Oval has been allocated $210,000 to replace the internal timber picket fence with a powder-coated steel fence,” he said.  

“This upgrade is set to reduce maintenance of the current fence and improve the facility for players and spectators.” 

Shalom College student Josh Bulbert competing at the Coles Spring Carnival at the Bundaberg Athletics Facility.

Cr Habermann said the Bundaberg Athletics Facility would receive $65,000 in funding to upgrade lighting at the grounds on Enid Ethel Drive.  

“The lighting upgrade will ensure the facility is at competition standard,” he said.  

“This will allow the many clubs who host major events to be able to include photo finish capabilities and the opportunity to celebrate their winners in a professional way.” 

View the budget documents on the Council website.

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