Bundaberg locals can play their part in helping to protect children in the upcoming Child Protection Week 2021.
Child Protection Week 2021 runs between 5-11 September and aims to raise awareness of the issues connected to child protection including abuse prevention, treatment, research, education, and service provision, and is organised by the local CPW Committee.
Child Protection Week Action Group’s Veronica Taylor said a dynamic partnership of Bundaberg providers had come together to support the annual event.
There are several planned events that will take place during 2021 Child Protection Week, including the return of the trauma sensitive yoga sessions, a community workshop and the annual Rainbow Day.
One of the first events will be a virtual reality experience held at YMCA Bundaberg in Kepnock on 6 September at 3.30pm.
Families will be given advice about online etiquette and safety connecting through a virtual reality experience, which is supported by Bundaberg Regional Libraries.
Veronica said the Rainbow Day was a fabulous opportunity for organisations that work within the child and family arena to exhibit services while promoting child safety awareness.
Rainbow Day will be held at Bundaberg PCYC on Friday, 10 September, and is open to the community from 9am to 11.30am.
The free Queensland Child Protection Week 2021 community workshop will be held on 9 September, with guest speaker social worker Lisa Hillan who has worked with young people who have had complex serious trauma.
Lisa is director of policy research and evaluation at QATSICPP, where she is working on establishing the Centre of Excellence that will enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge to be at the forefront of evidence creation in child and family policy and practice.
Lisa will also speak at the Child Protection Week annual dinner, held at Rowers on the River on 10 September.
The dinner includes entertainment, special guest presentations and major awards honouring those who have made a difference.
Veronica said Child Protection Week was coordinated by the Child Protection Week Committee under the auspices of ACT for Kids. For more information click here.
Child Protection Week 2021 events
Monday 6 September to Friday 9 September
Daily sessions of Trauma Sensitive Yoga to support children through physical, emotional and mental health.
Trauma Sensitive Yoga provides skills for children to increase their resilience against trauma and their challenging feelings. To be hosted at selected schools in the region. Yoga instructor, Lonnie Toy
Monday 6 September 3.30pm
Virtual Reality Experience – online etiquette talks, handouts for online safety and free pizza at YMCA, 7 Quinn Street, Kepnock.
Contact Stephen Harris at Bundaberg Regional Council Library, phone 4130 4140.
Thursday 9 September, 10.30am to 12.30pm
Free Community Workshop Working with young people with complex trauma histories – creating systemic healing environments.
With social worker Lisa Hillan
To be held at: Health Sciences Learning and Discovery Centre, Queensland Health Service Road, Bundaberg
RSVP by Friday 3 September for catering to sarah-louise.malatino@health.qld.gov.au, Phone: 4150 2736
Be quick as numbers are limited due to COVID19 restrictions on social distancing.
Friday 10 September
Annual Dinner Protecting Children is Everybody’s Business
Open at 5.30pm for a 6.30pm start, Rowers on the River
Guest Speaker: Social worker Lisa Hillan:
Entertainment by Chris Dingley
$50 per ticket and bookings can be made by clicking here.
Saturday 11 September
Free family event. Join Messy Myrtle for Daytime Blue Light Disco,
Chalk the Walk and Make and Take
Gallery Park – 1 Barolin Street, Bundaberg from 10am until noon.