The personal history and experiences of a dozen local migrants are being shared with the community through Creative Region’s Bold and Brave Hebel Workshop.
The Bold and Brave project focuses on connecting community members through creative stories and art.
Running the workshop, local artist and tutor Paul Perry said for most of the participants it was the first time they had used Hebel, and the stories behind each individual piece was incredible.
“People have taken a block and thought about imagery that connects them back to their roots, their homelands and where they have come from,” Paul said.
“From a sheep to a poppy, to sunflowers and a maple leaf, right through to Brandenburg Gates which was the gate between east and west Germany.
“It all shows heritage and the story of people who have come to live in the region.
“We have will have a strip of mosaic that will connect each of the pieces together.”
Paul said the finished artworks would come together to create a wall, that is 3.5m long and 60cm high, connected through the mosaic ribbon.
“Each person is telling their story, in terms of their connections back, and the ribbon is connecting us now,” Paul said.
“We love where we come from, but we love where we are.”

Participant Eddie Herold said he created a hebel piece that highlighted his history escaping from Germany to Switzerland represented by the Brandenburg Gates and the Swiss Alps.
“It’s about the concept of your heritage,” Eddie said.
“Now I originally come from East Germany and I escaped several times out of political reason, the first time I ended up in Switzerland.
“It became my second home, and I lived there for five years, and I had a good time.
“I then came to Australia in 1966 and could not speak English.”
Eddie said he is fortunate to live in the Bundaberg Region, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I enjoy the beautiful air and sunshine. One day good and the next day the best!” he said.
“I’ve had a colourful life… it’s good to share it.”
The Creative Region’s Bold and Brave Hebel Workshop has been made possible through the St John’s Grace Fund.
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