HomeLifestyleArtsMindful masterpiece created for mental health

Mindful masterpiece created for mental health

The Weave and Breathe event at BRAG Park was all about connecting with one another during Mental Health Week.

BRAG Park was transformed into a colourful space filled with knitted creations as a Weave and Breathe event took place to promote mental health awareness this week.

Local knitters and weavers were busy putting their skills to the test as they yarn-bombed the park to show support and to promote positive mental health for all.

Lifeline Bundaberg’s Crisis Support service lead Mark Hennessy said the event was a partnership between Bundaberg Regional Council and Lifeline to create a unique space for people to get out and try something new as part of Mental Health Week.

Weave and Breathe
There was plenty of colourful creations on show after the Weave and Breathe event.

“This event was great because it allowed people to get outside and to connect with one another, which is a huge part of mental health,” he said.

“Self-care looks different for everyone but sometimes we find the things we haven’t done before are what helps us the most.”

Mark said people came together to help create the yarn-bomb art while having a chat and creating positive community relationships.

“We can sometimes isolate ourselves when we aren’t feeling great or at the top of our game but this event helped to get people out to connect with others, which can make a huge difference in your mental state,” he said.

“When we least feel like it is sometimes when we most need it.”

Mark said Lifeline staff were always on hand to provide support, not only during Mental Health Week, but 24/7.

If you need someone to talk to, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Weave and Breathe
Weave and Breathe was facilitated by Bundaberg Regional Council and Lifeline Bundaberg.

