A partnership with a local health organisation is giving female football players from Brothers Aston Villa plenty of support that will help them on and off the field.
President Kayleen Bryan said the new season’s Aston Villa Women’s Premier League football team had entered into an exciting sponsorship with the IWC’s allied health service PIVOT 21 for the next three years.
“For too long, women’s football has been just about the game and not enough focus has been placed on the difficulties faced by women who want to participate in sports.“ she said.
“In today’s environment of working mums it is very hard for ladies to still engage in fun, fitness and keep a focus on looking after themselves – both body and mind.
“We wanted to provide an opportunity for women to play football, as well as focus on their physical, emotional wellbeing and mental health so it is really exciting for our club and our players to enter into a partnership with a great sponsor such as PIVOT 21 over at the IWC.”
The IWC delivers a full range of allied health services within the holistic model of whole-of-person care through PIVOT 21 including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and dietetics.
IWC’s PIVOT 21 spokesperson Ryan Mulvany said the organisation was committed to building the capacity, health and wellbeing of communities.
“We saw an exciting opportunity to partner with Brothers Aston Villa’s Women’s team,” he said.
“A component of our sponsorship is offering the team access to our state of art facilities and some structured sessions with our allied health professionals.
“Women’s health is an important issue that requires proactive solutions.”
Ryan said the partnership with the women’s Aston Villa team would include access to the world class gym facility at IWC.
“PIVOT 21 physiotherapists will be conducting pre-season injury screening and injury prevention sessions with all of the players to keep them in top physical condition for the season,” he said.
“The women’s team will also have a nutrition session with IWC dieticians as part of the sponsorship to provide education on pre-game nutrition, the best in-season nutrition and in-game snacks – which is important information for any athlete, at any level.
“The Villa women’s team will also have a mid-season women’s health physio session run by PIVOT 21 physio Danielle Wieland.”
Brothers Aston Villa Club president Kayleen said having access to services would keep players in top shape physically and provide them with access to professional advice on health and wellbeing for every day life.
“This is really a different focus for a football team and we look forward to seeing what this will do for our ladies,” she said.
Find out more about Brothers Aston Villa here.
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