The Rotary Club of Bundaberg City Daybreak is gearing up for another big community event filled with barbecues, the beach and plenty of fun as they host the region’s official Australia Day celebrations next month.
The community group successfully applied to host Bundaberg Regional Council’s official Australia Day celebrations on January 26.
The event has been given a further boost with Great Australian Bites funding, an initiative of the Queensland Government and the National Australia Day Council, proudly supported by Triple M.
Rotary has taken the lead in hosting the event for a third time and, with the help of Event Networx’s Ainsley Gatley, will provide a full day of activities and fun in the sun at Nielson Park Beach on Wednesday, 26 January.
“The 2022 free event will feature much of the same activities we have seen in previous years including live music, games, a good old Aussie barbecue, picnic set up and more,” she said.
“It will be a relaxed atmosphere all about encouraging families to come down to the beach to chill out.”
Ainsley said plans were still being worked through and a Facebook events page would soon be available, detailing more information.
She said organising the Great Australian Bites Australia Day event, which attracted up to 3000 people, was a fantastic opportunity to be part of a positive community event.
“I love the people I get to work with including Rotary and other fantastic community groups,” she said.
“It’s a great event that is all about building up the community.”
Rotary Club of Bundaberg City Daybreak’s Shane Chung said the Great Australian Bites free community day was also a great way to get the word out about the local organisation.
“This is one of our biggest events,” Shane said.
“We utilise it to help promote or organisation and recruit new members while getting out there in the community.”
Come together with family and friends and celebrate with Bundaberg Regional Council’s official Australia Day event, Great Australian Bites, at Nielson Park on Wednesday 26 January from 1 pm to 6 pm.
Entry is free.