Young people in Childers and Gin Gin will be given the opportunity to learn how to skate as part of upcoming Youth Week activities.
Fastplant Skateboarding will be travelling to the region to host the clinics, which go for two hours each.
Fastplant Skateboarding’s Mikayla and Taniah said this was the first time they had visited the local area after being engaged by Bundaberg Regional Council to facilitate the sessions.
“We have not yet run a session in the Bundaberg Region but are looking forward to doing these two clinics in Childers and Gin Gin,” they said.
“We would encourage youth to attend these clinics as a way to learn new skills and to meet and interact with other kids with similar interests.
“We believe that skateboarding is a great place to learn many skills for life such as persistence, perseverance, and determination.”
The duo said the sessions were the perfect opportunity for anyone from advance skaters to beginners to come along and test their skills while learning a range of new tricks and moves.
“We would encourage all kids of all abilities to come along and give skateboarding a try,” they said.
“The sessions are appropriate for children aged five and up from complete beginner to advanced skaters.
“Participants can expect the session to be a fun-filled day with games and challenges for everyone to enjoy.”

Mikayla and Taniah said they hoped they would be able to teach new skills and build confidence in those participants who may just be starting out.
“We are looking forward to meeting everyone and coming to the Bundaberg Region and hope to see everyone there getting stoked about skateboarding,” they said.
Those who attend the Youth Week skateboarding event will be provided with a skateboard and protective gear.
There will be free morning tea although participants are asked to bring a drink, hat and sunscreen.
RSVP and indemnity form signed by a parent/guardian will be required to participate in the learn to skate lessons.
You can find out more about the upcoming lessons here, and Fastplant Skateboarding here.
Queensland Youth Week is the annual celebration of young people aged 12 to 25 years and the positive contributions they make to Queensland, running from 1 – 11 April 2022.
Event details:
Gin Gin – Learn to Skate
Where: Gin Gin Skate Park, Recreation Reserve, May Street
When: 5 April
Time: 3pm to 5pm
Contact: 4130 4630
Childers – Learn to Skate
Where: Childers Skate Park, 8 Lord Street
When: 6 April
Time: 8am – 10am
Contact: 4130 4690
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