HomeNewsHave your say: Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan

Have your say: Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan

Wide bay regional plan
Have your say on the draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan.

The community is being encouraged to provide feedback on the draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan, which has been earmarked as “the new blueprint for managing growth”.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Planning Steven Miles said updating the regional plan with a 25-year look ahead was vital to respond to recent and foreseeable changes communities are experiencing.

“It has been eleven years since the release of the last regional plan and in that time economic, social and environmental factors have changed,” Mr Miles said.

“The Wide Bay Burnett offers people an enviable lifestyle, and the state’s successful health response to COVID means that that Queensland has become an even more attractive place to live, work and raise a family.

“Updating the regional plan will ensure that the region is best placed to respond to these shifts and improve opportunities for economic development and liveability across the Wide Bay Burnett.”

Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith said local councils, community and industry had all contributed to updating the plan.

“The plan will address the needs of more than 300,000 people in communities across Bundaberg, Cherbourg, Fraser Coast, Gympie, North Burnett and South Burnett local government areas,” Mr Smith said.

“Importantly, a key action coming out of the plan will be the development of a Wide Bay Burnett Regional Infrastructure Plan, which aims to develop a regional economic strategy to ensure significant infrastructure needs are considered and prioritised.

“Regional Infrastructure Plans reflect a place-based approach to align regional infrastructure with local priorities, recognising the important role infrastructure plays in catalysing regional economic recovery, resilience, growth and liveability.

“This is about getting it right now to ensure that a liveable and prosperous regional future is secured for generations to come.”

The community is invited to provide feedback on the draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan until 24 February 2023.

For more information go to qld.gov.au/widebayburnettplan



  1. Yes get building the time is now. The extra kids caused by Baby Bonus are starting to get old enough to pay tax this larger ongoing increase in tax payers going forward should give us money to expand more rapidly to meet our population increase. To help get people into building & construction lines of work.

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