A discussion paper is set to be released in early 2023 to help finalise the development of a Bundaberg Region Public Art Master Plan.
The objectives of the Public Art Master Plan are to enable Council to:
- understand, document and analyse the historical commitment to public art in the region
- assess the existing public art collection
- determine community demand for public art investment
- recommend potential themes and/or stories of significance
- present a master plan of placemaking, temporary and permanent public artworks with suggestions for location and stories of significance based on Council owned and/or controlled assets or areas only
When in place the master plan will relate to public art that is installed in a space that is a public asset managed by the Bundaberg Regional Council.
Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said Council undertook community consultation throughout 2021 and 2022 to inform the discussion paper.
“We have been so fortunate to receive a broad range of enthusiastic support and feedback throughout this process from not just the local arts community but the wider region,” Cr Learmonth said.
“During the workshops our community has made it clear that they recognise the value of public art.
“I know there are many people who have been part of that process in recent years eagerly awaiting its outcome.
“So I’m pleased to see this discussion paper will be released early in the New Year alongside a survey which will allow residents to provide further feedback on the current direction of this master planning.
“This will ensure the final strategy document meets the needs of our community.”
What is public art?
Public Art is created for public spaces or facilities that are accessible to the public. It can be permanent or temporary in nature. It can include but is not limited to:
- Site-specific digital art, sculptures, installations or murals
- Temporary installations or performances located in a public space
- Artworks produced through community participation
- Integration of art into architecture and urban planning
Keep up to date with the Public Art Master Plan process on the project page and register to receive notifications.