LifestyleBundaberg 4WD Club joins 4WDQLD Corroboree

Bundaberg 4WD Club joins 4WDQLD Corroboree

Bundaberg 4WD Club
Debra Murphy, Valrae Evans, Brad Praed & Petrina Pashley pose to promote the event. Photo: contributed.

Sixteen vehicles from the Bundaberg 4WD Club headed north recently to participate in the 4WDQLD Corroboree, an event on the club’s calendar which had its beginnings over 40 years ago.

This year saw approximately 140 four-wheel drive vehicles gather at Charters Towers.

The Charters Towers 4×4 Club, in conjunction with the Townsville 4WD Club and the Whitsunday Coast 4×4 Club organised the weekend which brought attendees from all over Queensland to the town they call ‘The World’.

Charters Towers was, like many of the inland towns to the north, built in the gold rush era, and attracted people, and their unique building styles, from all over the globe, hence the name.

Trips on offer to showcase the area included self-guided tours to off-road excursions to keep travellers entertained, with various degrees of difficultly to test the drivers and vehicles.

The Ravenswood Gold mine, the largest in Queensland, organised to take attendees around the mine site to show the process involved from getting the product out of the ground to the precious metal at the end.

A look through the town was a step back in time, with the buildings from a bygone era still standing.

Bundaberg 4WD club
Lionel Smith testing out the FunCARNa Flex Ramp. Photo: contributed.

The Charters Towers 4×4 Club is fortunate to have land set aside, along with other local motoring groups, to use for training and events.

Over the weekend many visitors to the complex were able to put their skills to the test, gaining points for their club by doing the set activities in the ‘FunCARNa’.

The weekend had set challenges and activities that club members gained points for, which went towards the perpetual Inter Club trophy.

The Toyota Landcruiser Club of Qld were awarded the weekends overall winners, a great group effort by all.

The 4WDQLD Country meeting was held on the Saturday afternoon, allowing clubs to attend the state level meeting and have input, firsthand, into decisions and discussion on how the 4WDQLD Committee represents our chosen recreation.

The theme of the weekend was ‘Tropical’, and the Saturday nights meal saw club members get dressed up in suitable attire to promote the vibe.

Bundaberg 4WD club
The group set for the Tropical Theme on Saturday night. Photo: contributed.

A very colourful group of party goers made the night a success, with a band onsite to test out the dance moves as well.

Various raffles and other fundraising over the weekend saw donations being made to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, and Drought Angels, along with an estimated spend in the town by attendees of over $41,000 to the local community.

An event like this also welcomes the support of the many sponsors which jumped on board to help make this a great success.

The Bundaberg Four Wheel Drive Club made the trip an extended one, along with many other clubs, to span a two week period due to the distance travelled to attend.

Many small towns along the route gained from the touring groups visits, bringing in much needed revenue.

It’s always great to stop and spend some time in the smaller towns, seeking out hidden gems that you would normally drive straight past.

We congratulate the clubs that made the trip North at support the event and look forward to next year’s Corroboree, to be hosted by the Caloundra and Gold Coast Clubs at Woodford.

To find out more on the Bundaberg Four Wheel Drive Club and activities we have on, contact us via email,, on the net at or catch us on Facebook or Instagram.

