Local service provider yourtown Bundaberg is offering support to young people on their employment journey through their Transition to Work (TtW) program.
The TtW program provides no cost employment services to help employers in the Wide Bay Region recruit young employees, whilst also supporting young people to enter the workforce.
yourtown Bundaberg Business Manager Cheryle Graffunder said lack of employment could become a gateway to many other social and societal issues evident in Bundaberg and the Wide Bay Region.
“Understanding the consequences of unemployment is what gives our youth friendly TtW teams in Bundy and the Wide Bay Region the drive to keep young people aged 15 to 24 engaged in their employment journey,” Cheryl said.
“From job training, financial assistance and resume building, to connecting with potential employers; the support offered by our TtW program is a powerful tool in the journey towards stable housing, secure employment and a brighter future.”
The TtW program aims to help young people working no more than eight hours a week or in full time education to build their skills and confidence and support them into work or education, including apprenticeships or traineeships.
“Beyond job placements and employment counselling services, TtW can provide holistic support, including wellness services and links to other yourtown services like Kids Helpline professional counsellors,” Cheryl said.
“These resources can support underlying mental health and substance abuse issues that can prolong homelessness.
“When we established the TtW site in Bundaberg, yourtown made a commitment to be responsive to the perspectives of young people, by using their voices as our guide to strengthen and improve our services.
“The design of our work sites has been informed by the voices of young people.
“This collaboration is working to empower young people to overcome barriers, upskill, find stable employment, and ultimately break free from the cycle of homelessness.
“Getting a job is pivotal to a young person’s ongoing success and wellbeing and to improve our region’s future.”