HomeNewsEducationStudent creativity inspires 3D printer donation

Student creativity inspires 3D printer donation

Queensland Computers 3D printer donation
Queensland Computer representatives deliver their donation of three new 3D printers to the Burnett Youth Learning Centre, pictured are (from left) Karl Helbig (Burnett Youth Learning Centre), Barry Reynolds (Burnett Youth Learning Centre), Scott Sadler (Burnett Youth Learning Centre), Jude Futcher (Queensland Computers), Steffi Bates (Bundaberg Regional Council), Jenny Lang (Burnett Youth Learning Centre) and Sharon Mason (Burnett Youth Learning Centre).

Students at the Burnett Youth Learning Centre are now able to make use of three brand new 3D printers thanks to a donation from local business Queensland Computers.

The Bundaberg company was invited to visit the centre alongside JRZ Homes and Queensland Chief Entrepreneur Julia Spicer as part of Bundaberg Regional Council’s Jobs Commitment program.

The event aimed to engage students and showcase their work, with guests providing insights into their respective industries and sharing their entrepreneurial journeys.  

During a tour of the facilities, it was highlighted that the 3D printing equipment served as a wonderful resource for students to engage in technology while expressing their creative abilities and was always in full use.

This inspired Queensland Computers to collaborate with Council to arrange the donation of three new 3D printers along with 6 kgs of printing filament.

Queensland Computers Director Geoff Augustis said the donation underscored the commitment of local businesses and Council towards fostering innovation and providing students with access to cutting-edge technology.

“While the generosity of all stakeholders is a standout, these kinds of opportunities would not exist if it weren’t for the diligent work being undertaken by the Bundaberg Regional Councils’ Jobs Commitment program,” Geoff said.

Bundaberg Region Mayor Helen Blackburn said Council was proud to continue to work alongside local businesses to support and encourage local students.

“The Bundaberg Jobs Commitment is about providing employer-led opportunities to inspire our youth and assist them in making work and education decisions after they leave school,” Mayor Blackburn said.

“We look forward to further engagements like these that result in positive impacts for the young people in our community.”

Burnett Youth Learning Centre Principal Jenny Lang said they were very appreciative of the donation.

“This donation from Queensland Computers is a sincerely appreciated blessing to our students and staff, facilitating expansion of an engaging program offered through technology,” Jenny said.

Find out more about the Jobs Commitment program here.

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