Our inshore reefs are continuing to fish really well and provide plenty of variety for those heading out during the good weather we have had.
Finding the bait has been key, most of our inshore marks are holding great amounts of bait and with that has been plenty of school mackerel, grunter, sweetlip and even some quality snapper.
The grunter, snapper and sweetlip have loved a 5inch jerk shad hopped along the bottom, however if you are into bait fishing a strip of mullet fillet or a live yakka or slimey hdas worked exceptionally.
The odd spanish is still being caught by trolling garfish or hardbody lures around the inshore reefs and wrecks as well as at the leads.
If you find an area in which the mackerel are schooled up, dropping down a Flasha spoon and winding it back in as fast as you can is one of the best ways to catch a mackerel, even the big spanish love this technique.

It’s certainly no secret that the offshore fishing has been red hot!
Ground North towards Lady Musgrave island has fished extremely well for big reds, nannygai and plenty of trout.
Fishing whole squid, pilchards or flesh baits on a set of gang hooks has by far been the best way to present your baits to these fish.
The Berserker fishing meathead hybrid jigs are a great option for rigging your big flesh baits and seem to get the better quality fish to bite.
Securing some live bait is also well worth the time and effort if you are heading out.
For those fishing the gutters and wrecks East from Burnett Heads plenty of cobia and trevally have been around in big schools.
As always with these pelagics they absolutely love soft plastics and jigs worked erratically through the water column.
Great sized sweetlip and venus tusk fish have also been caught in the gutters, a whole pilchard or squid on a set of gang hooks is sure to get these fish to bite.

Burnett River
Great sized grunter and flathead are being caught in good numbers in the Burnett this week.
These fish have come mainly from fishing the rock bars and sandy drop offs during the run out tide.
Whole sprat and strips of mullet fillet has worked really well, with by-catch of some solid cod when fishing around the rock bars.
Those who are using lures are finding that these fish are really liking a soft vibe slowly hopped along the bottom with long pauses in between.
With the full moon last night we have seen the crabbing produce some cracking bucks this week.
Whilst we still have some big tides it is definitely worth dropping the pots in for an overnight soak if you can.
We have also seen some great sized mulloway caught around the mouth of the river, these fish ate prawn imitation soft plastics and soft vibes.
Targeting these fish towards the bottom of the tide has got the best results.
Kolan River
The Kolan has had a great run of big grunter this week, these fish are being caught all throughout the river.
In particular these fish have been most active in the dirtier water during the run out tide.
Whole sprat, strips of mullet fillet and whole prawns have all got the bite from these fish.
Targeting rock bars and steep rocky banks has had the best results.
For the lure fishos soft vibes like a Samaki Vibelicious is one of the best grunter lures you can throw.
Some big flathead up to 80cm have been caught in the deeper holes during the run out tide, similar to the grunter these fish have loved either a whole sprat, mullet fillet or a whole prawn.
And like the Burnett this system has been crabbing really well due to the big tides this week, it is still well worth dropping the pots in for an overnight soak!

Elliott River
The Elliott is fishing great at the moment, and the big tides this week has seen both the summer whiting and the crabs on the move!
Those pumping yabbies at low tide then fishing the incoming tide over the shallow sand bars and weed beds have absolutely slayed the whiting.
Using a running ball sinker rig with 6lb leader and pink/red beads and tubing has been the go to way to get these finicky fish to bite.
Great numbers of flathead have also been caught in the same areas as these whiting so having some whole sprat drifting out over the sand bars is definitely a good idea to pick up some of the flatties which are cruising over the flats with the incoming tide.
The deeper holes throughout the Elliott River are producing good numbers of grunter and this is where the big flathead have been caught too.
Soft vibes like the Samaki Vibelicious hopped along the bottom have been picking these fish up consistently.
The crabs have been on the move in this river so be sure to throw the pots in this weekend for a tasty feed of mud crab!
If you can the best results has come from those leaving their pots in for an overnight soak.

Baffle Creek
The Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival is in full swing and we have heard of some cracking fish caught!
In particular we have seen numerous jack over 50cm caught and even some fingermark up to 43cm!
These fish have been feeding in the dirtier water and ate live bait as well as a nicely presented prawn soft plastic.
Targeting these fish sitting on laydowns or rock bars during the run out tide has got the best results.
Towards the mouth has seen good sized grunter and flathead cruising the shallow flats in the early morning during the start of the run in tide.
Casting soft plastics along the flats and drop offs has got the bite, however you have needed to be covering plenty of ground as these fish have been scattered.
Later in the day during the run out tide we have heard of great numbers of bigger flathead and grunter caught in the deep holes and along steep banks.
These fish have preferred bait so those using whole sprat in particular have done really well.
For those interested in doing some nighttime fishing, securing some live bait and sitting on a rock bar or a mangrove lined bank should see some solid jack, cod and even some big flathead and grunter caught.
With a few more days left to go in the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival we should see some more ripper fish caught!

Lake Monduran
Last weekend saw the first round of the ABT barra series held at Lake Monduran and wow, this lake sure put it on!
Team Tackle World Bundy managed to keep up with the big boys and secure us a 7th place out of 21 teams with 8 barra caught over the 2 sessions.
These fish are so well conditioned at the moment, it goes to show the great work that MASA does for the dam.
After the comp came to an end there were a few standout lures that got the bite for these anglers.
Those being the Zerek 5.5inch Live Mullet, the Samaki Redic DS80 and the Molix 140 shads.
When it came to getting these fish to bite, it was all about slowing your retrieve down.
Although these barra are in such great condition, they still want the lure presented right in front of their face and made to be an easy target.
Areas that have been loaded with fish is the south arm of B, insane bay, hearts bay and even the main basin.
With a bit more consistent weather and an increase in water temp on the horizon we are in for a cracking season at Lake Monduran.
From the team at Tackle World Bundaberg