
Soft plastics recycled to create park infrastructure

They might look like run-of-the-mill bollards but did you know the sturdy structures at Alexandra Park are made up of thousands of pieces of recycled soft plastic?

Vote in Paradise Dam poll

Vote to have your say on whether information should be given about why the Paradise Dam wall has to be lowered by five metres.

Animal kingdom theme at Tea and Symphony event

It was an afternoon of music, entertainment and animals when the Bundaberg Symphony Orchestra hosted their Tea and Symphony event on Sunday.

Moncrieff attendance numbers off the charts

Cinema and theatre attendance has skyrocketed at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre just over 12 months after new community-driven programming was introduced.

Tickets on sale for exclusive breakfast at zoo

If a morning spent dining with dingoes or munching with monkeys sounds like a dream come true, then don’t miss the Milbi Festival’s exclusive Rendezvous at the Zoo.

Last of 2019 sugarcane hauled to Isis Central Mill

The harvesters and tractors fell silent today as the last of the 2019 crushing season crop was hauled to the Isis Central Sugar Mill.

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