Smart technology raises privacy concerns

smart phone
Is smart technology breaching our privacy?

If young adults these days are the product of the smart phone era then the children of today will be the smart technology generation.

They are entering a world of smart speakers, watches and devices everywhere. This is a world of utter convenience, but at what cost?

A recent study between RMIT, Monash & Intel has sought to explore some of the peripheral impacts of our connected lives with the ever-present smart technology integration.

The key concerns pointed to the ease of tracking, monitoring (video and sound) and ultimately stripping back layers of privacy.

While external sources of privacy invasion may be what comes to mind first, most people were more concerned about those people they know.

With the ability to track all of the time and even spy, most people expressed concern for those closest to them.

This is particularly concerning in extreme examples such as domestic violence and other forms of abuse in relationship.

The fact that this technology can be used to track your “loved ones” or view them through cameras is a real concern for many.

This is also a concern expressed by the smart phone crowd.

Our lives more documented than ever

Many people feel high levels of anxiety when someone else handles and browses through their personal phone.

This doesn’t mean they are guilty of something, just that we use these devices to converse with all members of our life and also tend to look to our smart phone to research sensitive or embarrassing topics.

This is an excellent case in point as to how our lives are more documented than ever.

When all actions can be viewed without any form of justification of perspective, it is easy to see where misunderstandings could arise.

It is the difference between saying a sarcastic comment in person compared to in text, only on a much broader scale.

The answer is not to become a hermit with no smart phones, Facebook, Google speakers or Apple watches.

It may however be time to set some boundaries on when and how you feel technology should be used in your life when it comes to matters of privacy.