A business featuring a car and dog wash with a hardware store attached could be constructed in Childers if a development application is approved by Bundaberg Regional Council.
The application was recently submitted by Nathan Freeman of Insite SJC on behalf of their client.
Mr Freeman said the application proposed the development of two buildings on land at Butchers Road, just off the Bruce Highway.
“The proposal involves the construction of a new car wash with four manual wash bays, one detail bay and one dog wash,” he said.
“It also includes a hardware and trade supplies/showroom for the sale and hire of large hardware and trade equipment.”
Mr Freeman said, if approved, the development would be of high-quality architectural design that complemented the character of the area.
He said the business would operate in Childers from 8am to 7pm, seven days per week.
“The applicant anticipates that a maximum of five people would be employed,” Mr Freeman said.
Childers first

Bundaberg Regional Council’s Planning and Development portfolio spokesman Cr Ross Sommerfeld said, if approved, the development would be the first of its kind in Childers.
“There are no similar facilities available in the local area,” he said.
“The Butchers Road and Bruce Highway intersection has been recently upgraded to feature protected turning lanes and would provide the appropriate standard to service additional traffic movements attributed to the proposal.”
Deputy Mayor and divisional representative Cr Bill Trevor said the development application was just another indicator of the region’s positive growth.
“Childers continues to thrive,” he said.
“It’s already an area rich in farming and agriculture and also boasts a burgeoning solar farm industry.
“The fact that developers are continuing to show interest in establishing new businesses in this town can only mean good things.”
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