The established Anglicare residential aged care facility in Kalkie has lodged its plans to expand with Bundaberg Regional Council.
The aged care facility, located next to St Luke’s Anglican School, has submitted a Material Change of Use application for extensions to the facility which was established in the 1990s.
Planning and Development portfolio spokesperson Cr Ross Sommerfeld said the facility already accommodates 53 residents providing 24-hour nursing and care.
“The applicant is proposing an expansion of the existing aged care facility to be carried out over six stages,” Cr Sommerfeld said.
“The proposal involves increasing the number of beds from 53 to 88 and roughly doubling the overall floor area of the development.
“The aim of the expansion is to provide additional housing options for the region’s residents requiring aged care.”
The application also outlines an increase from 19 to 40 carparks, with setbacks and landscaping to reduce any potential impact on surrounding properties.
In the proposal, collated by Insite SJC, it states that the development “would be highly beneficial for the region and have a direct public benefit as Bundaberg has a high proportion of residents aged over 60 years old”.
“As such, there is a demonstrated need for the development as it would assist in alleviating the waiting times often experienced by applicants for existing aged care facilities.
“Furthermore, it would provide additional housing and locational choices for residents needing specialised care,” the report said.
The application will be publicly notified, with the ability for members of the public to make submissions to the Council about the development. It also requires referral to the State Government due to its proximity to a State road corridor.
Anglicare residential aged care facility
The current facility comprises of an administration building, four separate residential care buildings, a chapel and a workshop.
Residents occupy a single room with ensuite and all resident buildings have their own lounge/sitting area, dining room, kitchen and outdoor open space areas.
The overall facility provides 24-hour nursing and care services, respite support, allied health services, and outdoor activity areas with qualified staff. The facility is a fully accredited residential aged care service.
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