Recycled fencing a win for turtles and environment

Recycled fencing saves turtles
The fencing at Burnett Heads was constructed using recycled materials with the help of local businesses including Planet Shade. Photo: Facebook

Special recycled fencing designed to protect turtles from vehicle lights has been constructed in Burnett Heads.

The project, funded through Works 4 Queensland, is the first of its kind in the region with recycled plastic materials used to make the fence.

Bundaberg Regional Council’s divisional representative Cr Scott Rowleson said he had lobbied for the new fencing at Oaks Beach.

“The aim of the dunal fencing is to reduce the glow from car lights along the esplanade to the turtle area of the beach,” he said.

“The fencing, which uses recycled products including bollards, rails and cloth material, spans along 40 metres of the area.

“The new fencing is unique due to the footing design which was difficult to construct in basalt rock ground.”

Recycled fencing protects turtles

Environment and natural Resources portfolio spokesperson Cr Wayne Honor said the design was developed by Council staff earlier in the year.

“This is the first design proposal using the recycled material in the Bundaberg Region for turtle fencing,” he said.

“The concept allows Council and the community to explore alternative ideas for replacement of existing treated pine log fencing.

Recycled fencing turtles
The fencing was constructed using recycled materials with the help of local businesses including Planet Shade. Photo: Facebook

“The new design with eco-friendly material used, will visually enhance the area while doing great things for our turtle community.”

Cr Honor congratulated parks staff who challenged themselves with alternative thinking to provide a first for the Bundaberg Region.

“I have heard residents who witnessed the construction of the new fence taking place along the esplanade comment favourably on the design,” he said.

The turtle dunal fencing construction began in March and was completed last month.

Local businesses including Planet Shade were involved in the project.

The dunal fencing project is a joint initiative of Bundaberg Regional Council and the Queensland Government.