Service information shared at Childers Options Day


A smorgasbord of information was served up at the Childers Options Day this morning with businesses and organisations coming together to display many of the services on offer.

Community and Cultural Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Judy Peters said it was the first time the event had been held in Childers and was supported by many businesses and residents.

“Options day is a really important day for all sorts of service providers to come out and show the community exactly what they have available to them,” Cr Peters said.

“Bundaberg Regional Council, through the Childers Neighbourhood Centre, have offered up this day to the Childers community and it has been fantastic.”

Childers Options Day provides information for all

Cr Peters said the event included a range of local services on display from the medical industry to lifestyle, travel, education and more.

“I think the more we know about the services that are around us, the more we can utilise them to help enhance our lifestyle and enhance our wellbeing,” Cr Peters said.

IWC’s Alasdair Young attended the event to provide Options Day participants with information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

“As the local area coordinator of the NDIS in the Bundaberg Region, IWC has a stall at Childers Options Day to share information with participants as well as answer any questions people might have about the scheme,” he said.

“Options Day has always been a very positive thing, I’ve been involved for two years.

“It’s a great opportunity to learn about some of the services that are available and to get out and have a bit of family fun as well while you do it.”

Childers Options Day was held at the Isis Cultural Centre on Churchill Street.