Boreham Park is set to receive an injection of fun and adventure as #BRCbudget19 plans to upgrade the popular play space.
Bundaberg Regional Council has released a tender for the conceptual design of the new play areas.
Divisional representative Cr John Learmonth said it was a very exciting proposal for nearby residents and the wider community.
“Last year, through our community parks survey, many community members expressed the need for more quality play opportunities for children and young people,” Cr Learmonth said.
“Ideas from the community included adventure style play and water play elements.
“We are now seeking a qualified consultant to assist with developing a conceptual design of the new play space within Boreham Park.
“The design process will involve designing the new play space as well as identifying the types and style of play equipment that can be included.
“Desired elements for the playground may include large climbing structures and equipment like climbing ropes, walls, bridges, slides, gliding and swinging elements and mazes.
“The zero depth water play could feature play items like hand pumps, water mills and troughs, bubblers and jets or wheels and scoops.
“We feel that these elements will ensure that the playground is suitable to cater to children of all ages from infants to teens.”
Cr Learmonth said it was also important to Council that the design provides “risk and challenge” experiences for the development of young children.
“Once a tender is awarded Council will engage with the community through a consultation process so that all residents have an opportunity to provide feedback on the design and elements for inclusion,” he said.
Boreham Park design tender to consider history of site
Cr Learmonth said Boreham Park was selected for the upgrade because of its size, location and popularity.
“Boreham Park is already incredibly popular with young families,” he said.
“There are vast areas of open space with mature trees for shade which could be better utilised with the introduction of these new play facilities.
“This upgrade will no doubt increase its popularity and attract even more people.”
The new play area is proposed to be located where the monorail is currently positioned.
“Due to the age of this equipment, which is becoming more and more difficult to repair, it may not be possible to retain the monorail in its entirety.
“We have asked tenderers to consider the incorporation of the history of the monorail and the surrounding environment into the new design.
“The site may also potentially extend to the grass area on the northern side of the existing junior playground.”
The successful tenderer will be required to provide conceptual drawings, an overall layout plan, perspective views and a description of park and landscape works along with the proposed play equipment for inclusion.
This project is a joint initiative of the Queensland Government and Bundaberg Regional Council.