Works currently under way between Hunter Street and Sea Esplanade in Burnett Heads are not only improving the area’s long-standing drainage issues but also its appearance.
The project is now 80 per cent complete with the final stages to be continued following the installation of services.
Bundaberg Regional Council divisional representative Cr Scott Rowleson said civil works staff should be congratulated on the works which complemented the surrounding parklands.
“This project is just another example of this Council working through historical drainage concerns right throughout the region,” Cr Rowleson said.
“It improves neighbourhood drainage and addresses ongoing flooding issues for houses and the community kindergarten.
“The design of the new drainage system also ties in well with the neighbourhood and is a more appropriate statement alongside parklands and our beautiful esplanade.
“The drainage area near the kindy in particular is just a fantastic result.
“It used to be an unworkable, unserviceable drain and was an absolute eyesore as an entry to an esplanade.
“Now it not only looks good but it can be easily maintained.
“Council has also put a bund wall around the kindergarten to mitigate the risk of stormwater flooding within the facility.”
Kindergarten welcomes Burnett Heads esplanade drainage works

C&K Oaks Beach Community Kindergarten Director Rebecca Bowen said the works had made the area “100 per cent better” and she hoped it would alleviate the centre’s flooding issues.
“We would get flooded, it didn’t take much rain for our yard to get flooded,” Ms Bowen said.
“I’m hoping definitely that will improve.
“It just looks amazing and we’ve had so many comments from just how great it looks.
“Particularly around our boundary, that’s where we notice it.”
The centre had also previously had safety concerns which Ms Bowen feels will now be resolved.
“We do get snakes coming through … now they’ve put that raised area right beside our boundary,” she said.
“I just think the whole thing will improve our snake issue.
“The way the driveway entry has changed as well has made it safer for children … the way they’ve flattened it all out on one side.
“I think the whole thing is just generally safer for the children.”
Council staff collaborated with Ms Bowen on the works near the facility to ensure minimal disruption.
“We’re closed at the beginning of the week … so as best they could they did all their work around our driveway entry on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
“They tried to do as much as they could while we were actually closed.
“They were really good to work around us so it didn’t impact us at all.”
This drainage project was funded under Works for Queensland round two.