Tattersalls Hotel in South Bundaberg is proposing to increase its backpacker accommodation, lodging a development application to add 39 beds.
Bundaberg Regional Council Planning and development portfolio spokesperson Cr Ross Sommerfeld said the hotel was proposing to increase its backpacker accommodation capacity from 21 to 60 people.
The increase in Tattersalls Hotel backpacker bed numbers is the subject of a material change of use application for short-term accommodation, currently with Council for assessment.
“As part of the proposal the applicant is seeking to continue operating its hotel and dining area and extend its short-term accommodation offerings,” Cr Sommerfeld said.
“To accommodate up to 60 guests the hotel proposes to offer double, single or bunk bed options.
“Shared facilities including a lounge, kitchen, bathroom, outdoor recreation area, dining area and laundry would also be included as part of this development.”
“In addition to the communal kitchen and recreation facilities seven on-site car parks would also be incorporated into the development.”
Accommodation for itinerant farm workers is one of the development types that was targeted by Council’s Open for Development initiative.
“We recognise the important role backpackers and itinerant workers play in our agricultural industry,” Cr Sommerfeld said.
“The continuing number of applications coming through further underlines the demand from the farming industry to accommodate additional workers in the Bundaberg area.”
A development application has also recently been lodged at 12 McIlwraith Street, South Bundaberg, by Tomato Backpackers, which runs James’s Place.
This application proposes to offer up to 24 beds across a two-stage development.