Bundaberg Business Women’s Network will celebrate a Melbourne Cup breakfast with guest speaker Nathalie Phillips from Horses in Lives.
Network president Cheryl Fulcher said Nathalie specialises in equine-assisted therapy, which deploys animals as a counselling tool for a range of disorders including abuse, trauma, substance abuse and relationship issues.
“Horses helping Humans is part of our celebration of Melbourne Cup and we welcome Nathalie Phillips from Horses in Lives as our guest speaker for the breakfast,” Cheryl said.
“Nathalie provides a counselling and coaching service for people, with the help of horses.
“With no riding involved, life skills like communication and leadership skills, assertiveness, responsibility and more can be gained through guided interaction with these amazing animals.”
Cheryl said the breakfast, held at Rowers on the River, was open to anyone in the community to go along and enjoy delicious food while in the company of like-minded people.
“Join us to hear more about this very special program and how horses are so much more than they appear,” she said.
“Don’t forget there will be sweeps, competitions and much more.”
Bundaberg Business Women’s Network encourages mentorship
The Bundaberg Business Women’s Network was formed in July 1997 as a result of a Women Grow Your Business seminar hosted by the Department of State Development.
The Department and the Bundaberg Riverside Enterprise Centre provided guidance and assistance to the fledgling group. The network became an incorporated association in 2014.
Events are arranged where members come together to share ideas and experiences that empower, promote and support members’ business skills and knowledge in an environment that encourages active networking while fostering a mentoring relationship between members.
For more information about Bundaberg Business Women’s Network or to attend the Melbourne Cup breakfast phone secretary Carol Cullen on 0406 725 982.
- Other news: Tickets on sale for exclusive breakfast at zoo