Community breakfast to put an end to domestic violence

End Domestic Violence Breakfast
Rod Medew, Edwina Rowan, Mayor Jack Dempsey and Brant Duff announce the End Domestic Violence Breakfast

The first End Domestic Violence Breakfast will be held next week with organisers calling for everyone in the Bundaberg community to help stop all forms of violence.

The community breakfast is organised by Rotary Bundaberg East with guest speakers Bundaberg Police Snr Sgt Michael McGarry and Edon Place president Edwina Rowan; it is one of the region’s biggest breakfasts.

Rotary Bundaberg East’s Rod Medew said the breakfast event was held at the Bundaberg RSL and would always fill the room.

He encouraged people who had never attended such an event to go along this year.

“We want 250 people to attend every year, but it would be really nice to get 250 new people to come along and help spread the message, not to just stop domestic violence but all types of violence,” he said.

“We are encouraging people who have never been to a domestic violence breakfast to come along.”

Edwina said the End Domestic Violence Breakfast originated from the long-running White Ribbon Breakfast and although the White Ribbon Breakfast was no longer held, the message remained the same.

She said high school students were encouraged to attend the breakfast with the local Rotary clubs sponsoring tickets for each of the schools.

“The breakfast is opening to everyone in the community,” Edwina said.

“It’s about raising awareness in the community that domestic violence is prevalent and as a community we can address it.”

Edwina said it was pleasing to see Rotary Bundaberg East was still committed to raising awareness to end domestic violence.

“It’s one of the biggest breakfasts in the Bundaberg Region and has consistently been so for the last six years,” she said.

Mayor supports call to stop domestic violence

Bundaberg Mayor Jack Dempsey will attend the End Domestic Violence breakfast and is encouraging the community to support the initiative.

“This community is standing shoulder to shoulder to fight against domestic violence and send a clear message it will not be tolerated in this community,” Mayor Dempsey said.

“I encourage everyone to support the domestic violence initiative, at the end of the day it’s about individual’s standing up and saying this isn’t condoned in this community.”

Rotary Bundaberg East’s Brant Duff said more than 220 tickets had already been sold for the End Domestic Violence Breakfast on Wednesday, 20 November, and there were still plenty available here.


  1. Hi there,
    I absolutely agree that we can all do our bit to end Domestic Violence. However, why is it that when we talk about violence against children we don’t include those in the womb?
    Yours sincerely Lisa

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