Water pressure in Bundaberg North is set to be improved with Bundaberg Regional Council working on upgrades to the area in the coming months.
Water and wastewater portfolio spokesperson Cr Jason Bartels said the $1.3 million project would upgrade infrastructure along Mount Perry Road, Queen Street, Fairymead Road and Tantitha Road.
“This water infrastructure will involve the installation of a water pressure main and a new booster pump station which will be situated on the Mount Perry Reservoir site,” Cr Bartels said.
“This booster pump station will replace an older one next to Fairymead Road.
“The pressure in Bundaberg North is within the guidelines but low pressures are experienced during peak periods, which this upgrade will address.”
Water upgrades take place across the region
Cr Bartels said the Bundaberg North upgrade was one of many water infrastructure projects currently under way in the region.
He said water quality in Childers and Woodgate would be improved, also infrastructure in Bargara thanks to a $30.1 million contract to upgrade the Gregory River and Kalkie water treatment plants.
“Bundaberg Regional Council is committed to future proofing the region’s water supply,” he said.
“Quality water is vital within our community and I am proud to see this Council getting on with the job of making sure these upgrades achieve exactly that.”
Cr Bartels said work on the Bundaberg North water project would commence in February 2020, with construction to be undertaken between the hours of 7am and 5pm.
“Traffic management measures will be implemented during construction,” he said.
“As part of the upgrade, a water interruption will affect Mount Perry Road properties west of Barber Street on 28 January from 3am to 6am.
“Bundaberg Regional Council is aware of the inconvenience construction work causes and thanks residents for their patience and co-operation.”
Work is expected to be completed during April 2020.
We need services to the Avoca area to be consistent with other areas. The water there contains too many impurities. These impurities are etching landholders glass/ windows similar to using bore water with a high concentrations dissolved elements. I don’t live there, just clean houses there and it is noticeable compared with the other water supplies.