Kepnock State High School students are making it their mission to help the environment by implementing a range of positive practices through their Reef Guardian program.
Not only did the school participate in Clean Up Australia Day last week, they have also been taking the initiative in a number of environmental projects, according to teacher Nicole Amey.
“The students have really taken initiative with these environmental projects including containers for change, planting trees, reducing litter in our environment and looking at how they can implement sustainable practices in the school,” she said.
“We have spoken about the fact that they are the future generation to help us reduce, recycle and regenerate.”
Students Natalie Ephraims and Hannah Jonas said working to create positive change for the environment was something that would benefit not just the school but the whole community.
“As a school we are promoting a healthy and sustainable environment through our big yellow bins which will help with our 10 cent can collection,” Natalie said.
“That helps bring in a profit for our school but also teaches people to clean up after themselves.
“We are also collecting pizza boxes- it means we can put them into our mulch and help our amazing agricultural system.”

Hannah added everyone could do their bit to help the environment.
“If you see a piece of rubbish pick it up and put it in the bin,” she said.
The students said they had gained so much knowledge about the health of the environment through Kepnock’s Reef Guardian program.
“People don’t understand that when they drop a piece of rubbish it just starts off chain of something bad,” Natalie said.
“I have learnt that the environment is just so precious to us.
“It makes everyone feel so much happier when you are in a lovely environment that is not full of rubbish.”
To keep up to date with what Kepnock State High School students are achieving click here.