Featuring a range of new resources, a directory and a job finder application, the newly rebranded #lovebundy website is providing an online hub for Bundaberg Region businesses and job seekers during COVID-19.
The rebrand has been made possible through a partnership between Bundaberg Regional Council and local company Catalyst Directions, and provides a one-stop-shop of support.
Mayor Jack Dempsey said due to current Coronavirus restrictions, the business landscape had changed dramatically and assistance was needed to keep local enterprise connected with the community.
“What initially started as a concept to help promote our fantastic businesses and the services they provide has transformed into even more than that,” he said.
“We have worked with Catalyst Directions to create an open-for-business list that encourages local businesses to register their trading information.
“The site also features a wealth of resources like loans, grants and subsidies that can ease some of the strain until things get better.”
Mayor Dempsey said the site also made it easier for locals to support locals.
“The refreshed site helps people find jobs and access learning resources to assist them in developing new skills for employability,” he said.
“Whether it is finding jobs or checking out which businesses are open, the new site provides the community with one hub to find a range of resources.”
Mayor Dempsey said the rebrand was important now more than ever.
“Keeping a business going right now can help with the economic recovery that needs to take place after the health crisis subsides,” he said.
Catalyst Directions provides local business directory
Catalyst Directions manager Bevan Moller said #lovebundy was not only a tool for businesses and jobseekers, it was also a place for residents to keep up to date with what was changing in the local business marketplace.
He said the original idea of the business directory component had come about after the company’s Social Media Manager, Andy McLucas, and Digital Production Manager, Tim Sweetapple, saw the need for residents to have a place to find out which businesses were open.

“They were seeing posts and comments from people asking ‘is xyz business still open?’,” Bevan said.
“So we started running the directory on our own website before being approached by Council regarding the partnership. Then, there was the idea to repurpose lovebundy.com.au and bring across the directory that residents had started getting use out of.”
“This platform will be further developed and serviced by Catalyst Directions in partnership with BRC as the current situation evolves to keep relevant and up-to-date information available.”
Bevan said as a Bundaberg business for over 24 years, Catalyst was proud to show support for the community through the project.
“We’re grateful for the chance to serve and optimistic about what we can all create by working together,” he said.
#lovebundy pushes for business support
Mayor Dempsey said the new-look #lovebundy website would continue to work towards helping the local business community thrive, even after COVID-19.
“When you spend your money with a local business you begin a ‘ripple effect’ that spreads throughout the local economy,” he said.
“Small businesses are more efficient than anyone else at creating direct jobs and in turn, indirectly creating demand for jobs in other sectors such as construction, health, education and essential services.
“That’s why we are working together to help our businesses by pushing the #lovebundy message of buying local and supporting local.”
To find out more visit the #lovebundy website here.
- Other news: #lovebundy businesses take campaign lead