Bundaberg Regional Council has formally expressed opposition to any potential coal mining activity in environmentally sensitive, high-value agricultural areas.
A notice of motion put forward by Division One Councillor Jason Bartels was carried unanimously.
On 10 September 2019, Fox Resources announced drilling exploration results for the Bundaberg Coal Coking Project.
The company’s tenements include agricultural areas around Sharon, Welcome Creek, Moore Park Beach, Meadowvale, Moorland and Avondale.
Encouraged by the exploration drilling results, on 8 October 2019 Fox Resources announced they had submitted a Mineral Development Licence Application to the Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy (MDLA 3040).
“Although determination of the MDLA is a matter for the Queensland Government and does not grant approval to commence mining, I recognised the legitimate concern of residents in Division One and publicly declared my opposition to mining activity in this area,” Cr Bartels said.
“On 27 November 2019, Mayor Jack Dempsey stated his view that intensive mining activity is not appropriate on prime agricultural land.
“I agreed with the Mayor when he said there’s too much potential for conflict with agriculture and tourism. It’s not compatible with the Bundaberg Region being the food bowl of Australia.”
Mayor Dempsey supported Cr Bartels’ motion and said he has written to Mines and Energy Minister, Anthony Lynham.
“If the licence application were approved it would allow Fox Resources to use seismic survey and drill important agricultural land in search of coking and metallurgical coal over a period of five to 10 years,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“Pending the exploration results, a submission would likely be made to the State Government seeking permission to grant approval for a substantial underground mine.
“There are significant environmental issues that would arise from coal mining, including impacts on water, flora and fauna that would have long-lasting detriment to our region.
“I’ve conveyed Council’s position to the Minister, that we oppose coal mining in parts of the Bundaberg Region that have high-value agriculture or tourism and environmental sensitivity.”
I totally agree with councillors Dempsey and Bartels on their stance against any mining in the area concerned. Agriculture is totally sustainable whereas mining is a flash in the pan operation which can have devastating results for the whole of the Bundaberg Region. One only has to see what mining has done to Central Queensland as any one who has been through areas lately can verify. One only has to look at the Peak Downs area, it is devastated and this is the land that went a long way towards feeding Great Brittain during W War 2.
Most definitely NO mining in the Bundaberg area. I leave the matter in your capable hands.
While this is all well and good, I note with alarm that no mention is made, in this opposition, to the critical concerns of the relationship between climate change and the burning of fossil fuel. One would expect this concern to form the keystone to opposition to potential coal mining anywhere in Australia and to be writ large and clearly in this issue. While coal mining would certainly effect tourism and agriculture in the Bundaberg region, its contribution to climate crisis should headline the opposition and be clearly communicated to Mines and Energy minister.
I congratulate Bundaberg Regional Council for showing courageous leadership in supporting their very important agricultural industry against the dangerous, destructive fossil fuel industry
Well done i am very proud that u stood up to the state government to put a stop to the mining so close to Bundaberg and its beautiful surrounds let alone agriculture.
Congratulations definately good leadership !!!
The comments by Ralph Tyrrell is the only complete response that all Aussies should be promoting. Local is narrow mindedness.