Eating for emotional and physical wellbeing is top of the agenda for many during the COVID pandemic, and health and wellbeing organisation IWC is stepping in to provide practical help on this very topic.
“Healthy eating is more important right now than ever before,” said IWC Accredited Practising Dietitians Jessica and Chloe Bauer.
The twin sisters work side by side at the IWC Health & Wellbeing Complex in Bundaberg, and on Wednesday 12 August will be holding a free Healthy Eating During COVID session at the popular community hub.
“This session will focus on how individuals and families can best address their diet and nutrition needs during the pandemic,” said Jessica Bauer, who also is a Diabetes Educator.
“We have seen over the past months how many people are being lured by comfort eating, or feel they are getting into bad dietary habits during this crisis. We are here to help.”
The session will be open to all in the community, and will run for around one-and-a-half hours from 10.30am-noon in the newly opened Building 2 of the Complex. Social distancing and other health-protection procedures will be in place.
“We invite everyone to bring along their questions, and we will get through as many as we can,” said Chloe Bauer. “This is a vital time for many people of all ages and abilities, and we are here to share expert guidance and advice.”
IWC is non-government, Aboriginal community-controlled and a registered charity, offering services to all people, Indigenous and non-Indigenous. All services are culturally responsive.
The IWC complex has remained open throughout the pandemic, with additional health protection procedures in place, and the two Dietitians have been delivering services by phone, telehealth and face-to-face, with social distancing.
“It has been a challenging time for most of our clients, and we want to let our community know that if they need advice about how best to manage their diet and nutrition during this pandemic, we are here for them,” said Jessica Bauer.
“We also know that many people are doing it tough, so there will also be a focus on healthy eating on a budget – we all need to keep costs down and healthy living foremost right now.”
No bookings are required for the free session. Please arrive in good time, and practice social distancing.
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