A baiting program which will be held in August and September will help landowners to protect their properties from wild dogs.
To improve the effectiveness of this year’s program Bundaberg Regional Council will be undertaking a follow-up round of 1080 baiting with baiting being undertaken on both the 13 August and 17 September 2020, with landholders encouraged to register and participate in both baiting days.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s Senior Land Protection Officer Eric Dyke said the control of wild dogs was a major issue throughout the region and that involvement from all landowners was key to reducing numbers.
“Impacts from wild dogs are an ongoing issue across the state costing the agricultural sector millions of dollars in control and lost production,” he said.
“Key to the success of these baiting programs is the involvement of local land managers, with the more land managers involved the greater the outcomes we’ll have.
“Baiting is just one of the tools in the management kit, others tools such as trapping, shooting, fencing, guardian animals can all play their part, but most importantly community participation is required to achieve effective surveillance and monitoring which will lead to a broader and more effective strategic approach.”
“Council encourages landholders to form baiting groups with their neighbours to improve the effectiveness of the program.”
As part of the program, Council can supply up to 20 free meat baits per landholder registered for the program and who meet conditions for baiting.
Only landowners registered for the program will receive free meat baits and Landowners who have attended prior baiting days must bring labelled buckets previously supplied by Council to be eligible to receive baits.
Before baits are laid, the user must give 72 hours’ notice, either verbally or in writing to all neighbours whose property adjoins or fronts the holding either across a road or a waterway.
Wild dog workshops
The wild dog baiting program will be held on 13 August and 17 September at the following locations:
- Meadowvale Council Depot, Heales Road, 9.30
- Gin Gin Council Pound Yard, Flanders Street, 12 noon
- Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground, Bruce Highway, 2.30pm
To find out more about the workshops or to register contact 1300 883 699.
- Other news: North Bundaberg drainage work in the pipeline