Sausages, toasted marshmallows and even a campfire birthday cake were on the menu when Moore Park Beach Scouts celebrated their second birthday this week.
Scout leader Jim “Wombat” Harrop said it was a great event and divisional councillor Jason Bartels was “scarfed up” as a supporter.
“He now can proudly wear his Scout scarf at any Scout event, during visits to our group and on World Scout Scarf day,” Jim said.
Cr Bartels said it was quite unexpected.
“I got a lovely surprise and a beautiful gift,” he said.
“Happy second Birthday to the Moore Park Beach Scouts.
“This dedicated group is another great success story of how the close-knit community of Moore Park Beach work together to ensure the kids get access to every opportunity and activity that being part of an organisation such as Scouts has to offer.
“Well done and congratulations to all the scouts, parents and community members that put so much effort into providing this service and making it all happen.”

Scout leader Jim said it was a milestone worth celebrating, particularly after the events of this year.
“As with any new business or group the first few years are toughest and throwing COVID-19 into the mix, it hasn’t always been easy but we have continued to grow as a group,” he said.
“We’re so proud of our Youth Members for embracing the scouting way of life, showing resilience and growing into polite and respectful young people.
“We had to change delivery of our youth program during the COVID-19 shutdown, and Scouts Qld developed a Scouting at Home program.
“This gave the Scouts the opportunity to continue to achieve badges and still engage with the group remotely.
“We also had a virtual sausage sizzle in April as all fundraising avenues were unavailable during the lockdown period.
“We managed to raise over $400 which was fantastic given the unknown financial and job insecurity early on.”
Moore Park Beach Scout’s goal is to grow membership from 28 to 40, with the help of the local community.
“If we were to gain additional adult leaders we could offer more places to the young people of Moore Park Beach and surrounds,” Jim said.
“We are always looking for adult volunteers to help in any capacity they are able to and would love if any local companies were able to sponsor us, which provides us the means to take our Scouts on more great outdoor adventures.
“We would also like to launch a Venturer unit for 15-17 years olds.”
To keep up to date with Moore Park Beach Scouts follow their Facebook page or call Wombat on 0429 503 839.