Raincoats and umbrellas were unusual but required accessories for the latest outing of the Childers members of the Australian Pensioners and Superannuant’s League Queensland (APSLQ).
Upwards of 25 members of the group visited Snakes Downunder this week and while the sun may have been hiding behind rain clouds the smiles were out in force.
Group co-ordinator Maurie Styles said the rain had been a slight inconvenience, but everyone appreciated the district desperately needed rain.
“They’re a pretty resilient group and a little rain wasn’t going to spoil the day.”
Group member Ray Dilger said it was a pleasure to get out with the group and see what the district had to offer.
“Snakes Downunder is a marvellous attraction. It’s just one of many things right here in the district of which we can be immensely proud,” Ray said.
Maurie said Childers had branch membership of APSLQ for decades.
“We are not really sure just how long because records appear to be lost,” he said.

The visit to Snakes Downunder was another of the regular visits the group undertakes to enjoy social interaction on shared excursions.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly disrupted the normal program of events for our group,” Maurie said.
“The home and away visits we share with groups from Biggenden, Gayndah and Gin Gin have been cancelled this year. Visits to Woodgate and our planned visit to the Moncrieff Theatre was also put on hold.”
Maurie said the group had also lost a valuable revenue stream with its regular Cent Sale not able to go ahead because of restrictions.
“It has been good that we are able to support our local attractions and businesses. We have been to Flying High Bird Park which was also an eye-opener for members.”
APSLQ is an organisation that lobbies government to promote the needs of Queensland pensioners and superannuants.

The organisation provides voluntary support, referral, information and advocacy for its members and non-members.
The League was formed in 1945 by war and civilian widows and has steadily evolved into the representative body for older Queenslanders it is today.
Many of the issues addressed by the organisation include elder abuse, older people and supermarkets, end of life decision making, retirement and housing issues affecting older people.
APSLQ can be contacted by email at apsl@apsl.com.au or by phone on 07 3844 5878.
The Childers Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 1pm to 3.30pm at the Childers Anglican Hall.
Wow. Love this story. Great coverage. Childers Branch has been a long time member of our organisation.
I m the State Secretary/Comet Editor and I am wondering if you would like to forward this story to me to include in the September edition of our Journal which goes throughout the State?
I would need the story asap as I plan to finish it by the weekend.
Thanking you in anticipation
Cherith Weis
State Secretary
Thanks Wayne for your great write up . We all enjoyed our visit to Snakes Down Under.We had a great Guide in ELKE who took us under her wing and looked after us. Elke gave us good commentary thru out the visit.She was able to answer any questions be it on Snakes ,Meercats Crocs or what ever After visiting all area’s it was time to sit in the sun and enjoy our lunch from the cafe .Rebecca looked after that section and had our orders ready when we finished the tour. We sat around for an hour having lunch and speaking of our visit. We were the oldies on the day but also visiting was about 50 grade 1 children. It was a busy place but good to see the interaction