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Ergon the power behind Dymocks school books donation

Students enjoy a look at the new books donated to Childers State School by Ergon and Dymocks
Students Lily, Curtis, Grace and Sophie enjoy a look at the new books donated to Childers State School by Ergon and Dymocks.

A world of reading opportunities has been opened for students at Childers State School thanks to a $2500 grant which secured the school’s library 143 new books.

Book giant Dymocks raised $50,000 by partnering with organisations including Ergon Energy to promote reading opportunities.

School principal Robyn Philpott said Ergon had requested grants be distributed to schools within its service area with Childers, Biggenden, Gayndah and Murgon schools being successful.

“The news of the grant was totally unexpected but a wonderful boost to the resources currently available at our library,” Robyn said.

“We selected books that complement current learning programs, a number of classics, further instalments in series that have proven popular with the students and, of course, a quantity of non-fiction publications for our fact lovers.

Childers State School principal Robyn Philpott announces the arrival of $2500 in donated books for the school library.

“It was quite an amusing sight to see all our new books being delivered in a very large wheelbarrow which was a novel way of introducing the new reading resources to the student body,” Robyn said.

“The children are extremely excited with this new influx of reading material and the teachers are also delighted with this boost to our library shelves.

“Obviously programs like Read to Me Day, which was recently celebrated, provide further impetus to get children and their families interested in reading and further improving literacy skills.”

Robyn said the student’s interest in reading is further sparked by having new books available.

“Our school is extremely grateful to Dymocks and to Ergon for what truly is a wonderful program, opening pages of opportunity to a diverse range of children,” she said.

“There’s no doubt that donations of this calibre assist us as educators and reinforces to the community that the corporate world is open to providing this type of support.”

