HomeCouncilDog registration provides a full range of services

Dog registration provides a full range of services

dog inspection program
Dog owners are being reminded of the importance of registering their four-legged friends so Council can offer a full range of animal control services.

With dog registrations recently issued dog owners are being reminded of the importance of registering their four-legged friends so Council can offer a full range of animal control services.

The new registration period is for the 12 months from 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022.

Last year the dog registration fee was 50% less than usual as it was for the six months from 1 March to 31 August, as the first six months was waived by Council as a COVID relief measure.

Bundaberg Regional Council Animal Control portfolio spokesperson Cr May Mitchell said some fees had increased this year but owners of desexed and microchipped dogs still enjoyed the lowest registration fees.

At $40, she said this fee promoted responsible pet ownership and recognised that these dogs were more easily returned to their owners should they become lost.

Cr Mitchell said Council had reviewed and amended its dog registration fees to make it fairer for ratepayers who were subsidising ever-increasing animal management costs and to reflect Council’s increased activity in the animal control space for dogs.

“The initial fee for a menacing or dangerous dog has increased to $400 and $600 respectively, due to the officer time involved in investigations,” Cr Mitchell said.

“But if registration and fencing is maintained this reduces by 50 per cent as an incentive for doing the right thing.

“New dog on-leash signage is soon to be trialled at Elliott Heads and two new fenced off-leash parks are being constructed this financial year and Council will be looking for ideas from the community for locations during September.

“Improvements to Council’s barking dog processes are being implemented to both assist dog owners know how to manage a problem barker and help give much needed relief to those impacted.

“This is very important work that is underway.

“High rates of impoundments for unregistered dogs and non-microchipped dogs have increased the cost of managing Council’s pound facilities and these areas of non-compliance have been targeted.

“Council has visited 22,000 properties so that the owners of non-registered dogs can register their dogs and contribute to the costs of animal management and also avoid the $275 fines that apply.”

Cr Mitchell said the highest fee increases were introduced for dogs that were not microchipped as, should they become impounded, it was likely that it would take longer for their owners to be contacted, which means the cost to Council would be higher.

“While we have increased some dog registration fees Council is also boosting the incentives for having a registered and microchipped dog.

“We want to make it as attractive as possible for the region’s dog owners to desex and microchip their pets.

“Now, in addition to having a first free pound release for microchipped dogs, Council has introduced a 50 per cent reduction in the release fee for the second occurrence within a financial year.

“Bundaberg Regional Council is also partnering with the RSPCA and local vets for additional subsidised microchipping opportunities throughout the year.”

RSPCA Bundaberg Shelter Animal Care Manager Lorin Grey said it was important for residents to microchip their pets.

“The more dogs that we can have easily identified and easily traceable back to their owners, the better outcomes we’re going to have for lost animals,” Ms Grey said.

“It’s all part of being a responsible animal owner.”

She also encouraged dog and cat owners to take advantage of discounted desexing fees through the RSPCA Operation Wanted campaign with three local vets participating.

“That runs every June until the end of August.

“There is still time for people to claim 20% off the cost of desexing.”

Why is dog registration important?

  • All dog registration fees go back into Council’s animal management initiatives for dogs.
  • Registered dogs and responsible pet ownership help to ensure the safety of our community.
  • If your dog is registered it also means it can quickly be returned home, should it become lost.

Registration fees can be used to:

  • Manage dog-related requests like barking dogs or dog attack investigations.
  • Care for and rehome impounded and abandoned animals.
  • Deliver dog off-leash areas and facilities.




  1. Rubbish. I was attacked by two Staffys, my dog almost ripped in half. Council told me there was nothing they could do about it, their hands are tied!
    Exactly what am I paying for please?

  2. The huge increase in dog registration fees this year is hard to understand or justify in the present financial situation. Any increase in fees should be matched with an increase in services.

  3. Those fenced off-leash parks are nothing but a disgrace. They are filthy, covered in excrement and not maintained (grass mowed). Every other council between Cairns and Victoria offer areas and beaches where dogs can run and have fun with their owners, but not BRC.
    If you have a dog, basically keep it locked up, fenced up, chained up, leashed up, that’s BRC’s attitude!

  4. I have just received my dog registration form and I was very taken back when I opened the envelope and found this flyer that looks very much like an infringement notice. To be honest it made me feel like a criminal and I thought maybe I had not paid my dog registration but I was 100% certain I had. This flyer had a real “bullying” tone to it which I feel is most inappropriate and would have cost a lot of money to print and distribute. My rego went from $29 to $40 which is a very large increase and together with the infringement flyer I was not a happy resident.

  5. $80 for our 2 little mutts who never leave our property except for their daily walk.
    Pity cat owners who let their charges roam free weren’t charged the same way.

  6. I regularly get cats wander into my front garden, leaving their mark. I am allergic to the darned things. Why, being cruel predators, are they not registered. Pensioners with 2 old dogs..$40 each, disgraceful. Even our vet told us not to use the un-policed off leash parks due to in-vaccinated, in-wormed and aggressive dogs using it. Too many people think they don’t have to pick up their dogs ???? in those parks as well. And unsociable dogs get let loose to attack other dogs. Where are the owners. Getting a coffee. Most owners are responsible. It’s the few who are not that spoil it for others. What happened to the old idea of your 2nd dog being registered for half price. This council is making it hard for dog owners, gradually squeezing them out. Not allowed on the beach, off the leash and yet the risk of being knocked over by orange scooters, and finding them left in your front yard is much worse. ????☹️

  7. Yes it was very threatening, PAY BY THIS DATE OR YOU GET A FINE 40 dollars up from 20 thats disgracefull. When there’s a dog roaming at the weekend who you supposed to call. The money is going there is it because you can never get anyone.
    There are lot of people out there got dogs for the sake of it, including doleies who cant look after them properly now, so with this increase theyre going to just let them free.
    Wonder how much it cost to pay for 80000 leaflets.

  8. It would be worth the cost if the council built a new centre to house the strays as the town is becoming more and more overpopulated thanks to the greed of some people in power. There are more dogs wandering around and that facility at bargara is like a concrete overcoat, just like a nasty little dog prison, poor things.

  9. MR BERNIE them scooters are a darn menace and yes the people who use the dog parks most of them just sit and have a chat and the dogs dont get any exercise [most of them]

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