UPDATE 22 December 2021:
The boiled water alert for residents in Childers, Woodgate and surrounds will remain in place until the New Year.
Electronic signage will be placed at the entry to Childers and Woodgate to advise visitors to those communities of these requirements.
For more information, including how to make tap water safe to drink during a boiled water alert, head to: https://www.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/water-services/water-supply/4
9 December 2021:
Residents in Childers, Woodgate and surrounding areas which are supplied from the Gregory Water Treatment Plant are advised to boil water before consuming from 9 December until further notice.
Impacted locations are highlighted on the attached map.
Bundaberg Regional Council CEO Steve Johnston said recent rain events had caused high turbidity levels in the Gregory River.
“Water supplied to these communities are supplied from the Gregory River and the poor quality of this source water means we can’t reliably purify the water,” Mr Johnston said.
“As a precautionary measure, Council requests that all residents in the affected locations boil the water for uses including drinking, brushing teeth and gargling, preparing and cooking foods, washing raw foods such as fruit and vegetables, preparing beverages and making ice, preparing baby formula and sponge-bathing infants.
“Please ensure that all ice, infant formula, juice, drink mixes or anything of that nature which were made this morning before the boiled water advice was issued is disposed of.
“Residents are also urged to share this alert with neighbours and friends to help us to ensure as many people as possible are made aware of the need to boil water before consumption.”
Mr Johnston reassured the impacted communities that Council’s water services team was working to rectify the issues as a priority.
“We have been liaising with Queensland Health in regards to water quality from the Gregory River plant.
“The boiled water alert will remain in place until both Council’s water team and Queensland Health are confident there is no longer a public health concern.”
Residents can keep up to date with this issue on Council’s website at bundaberg.qld.gov.au
How to ensure water is safe to drink following boiled water alert:
During a boiled water alert residents are asked to bring drinking water to a rolling boil and then allow the water to cool before using it, or storing it in a clean, closed container for later use.
Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable for producing boiled water and variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.
Use cooled boiled water or bottled water for:
• drinking
• brushing teeth and gargling
• preparing and cooking foods
• washing raw foods such as fruit and vegetables
• preparing beverages and making ice
• preparing baby formula
• sponge-bathing infants.
Unboiled drinking water can be used for:
• showering and bathing other than infants (avoid getting water in the mouth)
• washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher, provided dishes are air-dried
• washing clothes
• flushing toilets.
Mr Johnston said Council was already working to replace the outdated water treatment facility supplied from the Gregory River.
“The new Gregory River water treatment plant which is currently under construction will provide advanced treatment processes which would have the ability to treat the current quality of water, if it is experienced in the future.”
For updates visit bundaberg.qld.gov.au or, for more information, phone 1300 883 699.
This is disgusting. You’ll be telling us, in our next rates notice, that you want us to pay for a product, water, that’s not fit for human consumption and now we have to pay the extra electricity cost out of our own pocket. Idea! Why don’t the council wipe the water off our rates & give us a 12.5% reduction in our rates for 2022. Yes I hear you saying, all pigs ready for flight.
Third world country, cleaning your teeth with bottled water! With no end in sight. Unacceptable really. Where is the refund for electricity and a service we can’t use? Let’s hope for a reduction in rates next year for those affected. Certainly not a good impression for visitors to our homes for the festive season.
Totally agree, we are buying bottled water as we have a full house over Xmas! Council definitely need to adjust our rates accordingly. Disgraceful!!!