Bundaberg Regional Council’s waste collection services will continue to operate over the Christmas holiday period, including through the public holidays.
Waste and Recycling portfolio spokesperson Cr Tanya McLoughlin said Council was asking residents to place bins out for collection the night before or by 5am on the day of collection.
“Thanks to our wonderful staff, bin collection services will continue right through the Christmas break,” she said.
“While kerbside collection days will remain the same, pick-up times may be earlier-than-usual, so residents are asked to please place bins out the night before.”
During the holiday period, Council’s waste facilities will also operate as normal with the exception of Christmas Day.
All public waste facilities will be closed on Christmas Day but will operate on all other public holidays.
Cr McLoughlin said, because the amount of rubbish and leftovers could increase over the festive period, it was a good opportunity to put recycling habits into practice.
“There’s plenty of recyclable rubbish that comes from the festive season, including gift wrap, presents, decorations and more,” she said.
“Instead of overfilling your bins with waste, we have compiled a list of recycling options to help you reuse items for other purposes.”

Christmas waste collection
Carboard boxes and wrapping paper: These are perfect items to throw in the yellow-lidded bin because they break down easily and can be transformed for other purposes at waste facilities. However, boxes and paper are also great items for kid’s craft for over the holidays, and storage options too.
Christmas food leftovers: While food scraps can’t be recycled in the yellow bins, there are other ways you can get rid of leftovers without throwing them away. Try to compost as much as possible or use your scraps for pets or worm farm food.
Plastic wrapping and packaging: Soft and scrunchy plastic items can be recycled through the Redcyle program. Just take your items to any Coles and Woolworths store and look for the Redcycle bins. Find out more here https://www.redcycle.net.au/what-to-redcycle/
Plastic bottles, jars and glass bottles: There are a number of Containers for Change sites around the Bundaberg Region that will take these items off your hands and pay you in return. Just a reminder, make sure you remove all lids before you take them in! Find out more here: https://www.containersforchange.com.au/qld/where-can-i-return
Tinsel and foil wrapping paper: This is a big no-no when it comes to recycling. Tinsel has small foil particles that can’t break down easily and can also get stuck in machinery. Foil wrapping paper cannot be recycled.
Fairy lights: Featuring many small electrical pieces and long cords, fairy lights cannot be recycled partly due to the risk they pose in being caught in conveyor belts.
Plastic plates and cutlery: Instead, try looking for alternatives such as bamboo cutlery and paper plates, which are recyclable and biodegradable.
Sticky tape: Cannot be recycled so make sure you rip sticky tape off your wrapping paper before placing in the yellow bin.
Waste facility open hours are available here.