To mark National Volunteer Week students in Queensland’s first formal volunteer qualification delivered by a Council are highlighting residents who dedicate their time to the community.
The students have signed on with Bundaberg Regional Council to complete a CHC24015 Certificate II in Active Volunteering and are undertaking the study commitments outside of school hours.
It’s the first time Volunteering Queensland has offered the qualification directly through a Council.
Next week, in honour of the region’s active volunteers, the students will host two displays that highlight the valuable contribution of residents actively engaged in volunteer work.
Bundaberg Regional Council Acting Mayor Bill Trevor said, as part of the work students were doing towards their certificate, they had interviewed volunteers and designed posters to share with the community.
“As part of the course, students have been doing 20 hours of volunteer work in the community in a mix of activities that have included helping at the Bargara Colour Run, ANZAC day breakfasts and getting involved in PCYC Cadets,” Acting Mayor Trevor said.
“A few students are also helping put together another Get Ready GooseChase for the June/July school holidays.
“While these students are at the very beginning of their volunteering journey this project for National Volunteers Week has given them an appreciation for the years of hard work many people have put into their community.”
He said the students had been working closely with Council through its community resilience program.
“It’s a credit to these students that they recognise the importance of giving back to their community and are willing to secure this volunteering certificate in their own time.”
National Volunteer Week poster display times:
The Bundaberg display will be open to the public to view from Wednesday 18 May until Friday 20 May at the School of Arts gallery from 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
The Childers display will be open from Tuesday 17 May until Monday 23 May at the Childers Library during the library’s normal opening hours.
Volunteer certificate provides opportunities
Students, who have been enrolled in the program since February, have also had the opportunity to attend a Rotary RYPEN Leadership camp and have been encouraged and supported to learn more about natural disasters to better understand more around preparation, response and recovery.
The Community Resilience program has been fully funded by the Australian Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
The qualification is being delivered by Council in partnership with Volunteering Queensland RTO 6020.